The equity snapshot is the central information area about individual equities. Here you can see all the figures about a company, the evaluation and the key figures. From here you can rate a company yourself, add it to one of your strategies, or compare it to the competition.
The equity snapshot consists of general information about the company, the financial statement (history and forecasts), the key figures (divided into six smart beta factors), the valuation models and the dividend calendar.
In addition, you will find the annual financial statements for the last six years, the segment reports, the daily updated fact sheets and the research reports.
The equity universe consists of more than 600 European equities and is comparable to the composition of the Stoxx 600 Europe. In addition, 500 U.S. equities available.
Are you missing a stock? Then contact us. We check the availability of the data and, if necessary, include the share in our universe.
We know that our universe is small compared to other platforms. For this purpose, all equities are subjected to our data quality management and missing or incorrect data are supplemented or corrected by our analysts. Our analysts continuously monitor around 150 equities and evaluate them qualitatively.
At LeanVal, as a financial analyst or the CFO of a company, you can make your own estimates or create different scenarios. The ValueXplorer is available for these functions, which you can start with the corresponding button. This custom application allows you to overwrite our data and save the results.
On the basis of the fundamental data that we have validated and supplemented, we calculate around 80 key figures. About half relates to the historical data and the other half is calculated from the forecasts we make. The key figures are divided into five categories, styles or factors: Value, Quality, Stability, Growth and Momentum.
A factor score is calculated for each of these factors, e.g. the LeanVal Value Score. The total score of the share is determined from the five factors.
Are you missing a key figure? Then contact us. We check the availability of the data and include the key figure in our selection.
We generally differentiate between the valuation of corporates, banks and insurance companies.
The most important process for us is the ROIC (Return on Invested Capital) approach. There is also a DCF method, a dividend discount model and, for banks and insurance companies, the return on capital employed method.
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+49 69 949488 050