Stock analysis

In addition to a general overview of the most important stock indices, LeanVal’s stock analysis includes the stock snapshot, the ValueXplorer, the stock filter and the individual research reports sorted by investment strategy. The equity snapshot is the central information area about individual equities. Here you can view all information about a company, including valuation and key figures. In addition, you can rate a company yourself, add it to one of your strategies or compare it with competitors.
Performance overview

The performance overview shows historical performance by country, industry and style, as well as the top five winners and losers, which can be sorted by size, industry, currency and country.

The stock snapshot includes company profile, financial statement (history and forecasts), key figures and valuation models. In addition, you will find a factsheet for each company.
Stock filter

The stock filter allows you to filter the overall market by specific sectors, industries, sub-industries and countries in order to compare companies with certain characteristics.
Equity research

LeanVal provides independent and transparent buy-side analysis for European equities. These are based on the scientific and well-founded evaluation of fundamental data.