The Equity Snapshot is the central information point about individual equities. Here you can see all the figures about a company, the evaluation and the key figures.
In the snapshot you will find all information on an individual equities, such as a description of the company and its business model, financial statements including forecasts, key figures, price target and research vote, daily factsheet, research reports and annual reports.
LeanVal offers functional and academically reviewed multifactor approaches for different investment philosophies: Multifactor, Quality Value, Sustainable Dividend and Growth Momentum.
The Screener enables the creation of customized equity strategies for any requirement profile. The backtest shows what performance the selected strategy would have achieved over the past years.
LeanVal offers the possibility to create your own watchlist. This can be created manually or with the help of the screener based on an individual strategy.
Our platform consists of the components
The full functionality of the LeanVal Research Platform is only available to registered users. In addition to “public content”, such as articles on the national economy, equity markets or selected companies, the following range of services is available to our users
– High quality data for over 600 European equities
– The relative and absolute valuation of LeanVal Research for all shares
– Historical and projected financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement)
– Different valuation methods for corporates, banks and insurance companies
– Approx. 50 historical and current key figures from the areas of Value, Quality, Stability, Growth, Momentum
– Professional equity screener with backtest function
– LeanVal sample strategies, as well as equities strategies of well-known stock market gurus.
Our support team can be reached at +49 69 949488 050 daily from 9:00 to 18:00. Please send written inquiries to
In addition to the above services, you will also receive access to ValueXplorer. This application allows you to individually value companies in a DCF process based on our figures, applying your growth assumptions and estimates.
In addition, you will receive individual support in the amount of five, or fifteen hours per month. Individual support consists of direct inquiries to the research team, analysis on client-specific equities, telephone / video conferences, etc.
We are happy to provide you with our expertise in accounting and the systems for different valuation procedures.
The research platform is aimed at professional investors and is only available to registered users. You can request your access data via the menu Login Research Platform -> Registration.
During the 14-day free trial you have (almost) full access to our platform. The trial version is free of charge and ends after 14 days.
During the 14 days you can become a customer at any time. You will then receive the range of services selected in the pricing model. The minimum term is 12 months and is extended thereafter by 3 months at a time.
You can pay by credit card or direct debit. We also offer our “Gold” and “Premium” customers the option to purchase on account.
You can cancel your membership through your account setting on the “My Dashboard” page. Please observe the contractually agreed notice periods.
Our “Gold” and “Premium” customers receive team access with multiple licenses.
+49 69 949488 050
+49 69 949488 050